Marc Nyte

My teaching style: I teach a dynamic class that focuses on movement and its synchronisation with the breath. My classes are open to all and tailored to each individual’s needs providing a safe practice in a supportive environment.

About me: In 2004 I commenced a 3-year British Wheel of Yoga Diploma under the guidance of Tara Fraser and qualified in December 2007.. This comprehensive course on the philosophy of yoga and its safe and effective teaching has given me a broad framework to teach effectively, appropriately and above all, safely.

I count Tara as the most important and major influence on my teaching to date. I’ve continued my yoga journey drawing on the knowledge of inspiring teachers such as Shiva Rea based in California; Fernanda Cuno in Toronto; Anna Ashby in London and Bjørn Marcus here, in Luxembourg. 

Besides yoga, I am a fully qualified and practicing physiotherapist who is also a teacher of the Pilates method and fitness for general health and specialist populations such as those with Parkinson’s, those recovering from surgery and those with cardiac and respiratory disease.

What motivates you to get up every morning? My beautiful husband, 3 children, my wonderful mother and our gorgeous dog, Snoopy.

Past working experience before becoming a yoga teacher: I worked for 16 years as a theatre manager in London’s West End

One thing you have achieved that you are really proud of: Cycling across Mexico from the Caribbean to the Pacific and all the mountains in between!